For savvy airline passengers, last minute ticket purchases can result in big savings. If your travel plans are flexible, you can score some attractive last minute flight deals. Here's a list of great resources to consult:
Website: If you have the time to spend browsing it can be worth patiently spending a few hours searching the travel pages. You may also find your way to a dream vacation for a fraction of the normal price or fill out the request form, so that an IFlyBusiness agent can start working on your request
Travel Companies: Travel companies are eager to minimize their losses and will often offer fabulous last minute deals. If your travel plans are flexible, you may have several last-minute deals from which to choose.
IFlyBusiness Agents: Booking your flight online does not always equal a great amount of savings. However, the services offered by an IFlyBUsiness agent can be advantageous because they will advise you with pertinent information and offer unadvertised fares on last minute bookings saving you thousands.